Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Knave Interviews The Fool King's Alexander Kanaris-Sotiriou

Another comic strip interview for you today, this time with everybody's favorite jester monarch, followed by an interview with the Fool King's creator, Alexander Kanaris-Sotiriou.

Knave of Krypton: Tell me a little about the history of the series. Is this something that was conceived of specifically for Zuda?

Alexander Kanaris-Sotiriou: I became interested in attempting a comic at the beginning of last year. I had fleshed out a couple of ideas when a friend sent me a link to a news story about Zuda.

I thought it'd be an ideal opportunity to 'cut my teeth' on something. I went away and wrote the 8 page script and then started on the character designs and art. So it was all Zuda tailored from the off.

KofK: What are some of your influences, either in the art or the writing?

The two big influences growing up were “Asterix” and “Tintin”. In the last 4 years I've been reading more American books. Grant Morrison’s “Invisibles” sparked my interest followed by “Preacher”, “Y the last man” and “the Walking Dead”, pretty much anything that grabs my imagination. My current favourites are Robert Kirkman's “Invincible” and the Luna Brother’s “Girls”.

KofK: What do you think is the strength of webcomics? What are some of the weaknesses?

AKS: The strength of a webcomic is in its accessibility, you can reach people anywhere around the globe very easily. It’s been a big thrill to receive comments from people around the world in the contest.

On the other hand, I like to read in the bath and I guess with webcomics that’s a big 'no no'. I think I would miss the tactile elements of a physical book, but it seems everything is going in that direction: video games, movies and music.

KofK: So does that mean you want to achieve success in print comics, or are you primarily focused on the web?

AKS: Either, I'm not fussy. As long as I get to have fun writing and drawing I'm not that concerned which avenue the end product would take.

KofK: Your series starts out showing us how the story ends. Have you plotted your series out for 60 screens, to be completed by the time your contract ends, or could you go on indefinitely with the Fool King's adventures?

AKS: It’s plotted to conclude at 60 screens. In any media, comics, books or film I always appreciate when things aren't drawn out too much. I wrote the script over the Christmas holidays and it’s pretty much complete. I want to revisit it to make a few alterations in light of some suggestions from the forums, but generally it's done and I’m excited about it.

KofK: Anything else you'd like to add?

AKS: Not really just thanks for reading and good luck to the other competitors.

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